Thursday, April 15, 2010

this is not a political blog

let me be clear. i voted for obama.

i liked the platform of "change" that he ran on. i still like the change that he represents. i do not not believe he is channeling whomever you think satan may be.

but, this i know. he is very much a politician. and politicians must say things to engage their city, state, country in ways that might inspire their political lifespan to continue. and thus, rhetoric is born. promises are made. promises, most of which are never kept. promises that are intended to strike a nerve somewhere deep down inside the ideal part of all of us. something that says to us that "this guy" or "this girl" is my candidate. i'll vote for them. they will make my life better.

and then, of course, most of the time they don't. because the system is so broken that one man or woman, not even the president can change it all by himself.

we'll blame obama anyway.

and the next one.

and the next one.

all of that i say to say this, though. i was sent this video a couple days ago and thought that it was the most simplistic, short (1:38) and devastating deconstruction of political rhetoric that i had seen in a long time.

if you have a minute and a half, watch it. it will make you smile.

then cry.


Unknown said...

That definately helped put things in perspective. I've just about gotten to the point that I'll vote for any person (of any party), regardless of their positions, based on who I feel has the most sincerity in doing the best they can for the American people. Taxes, wars, foreign policy, health care, etc. all have at least two arguements (sometimes all valid). While I might disagree with someone's ideas, if I feel assured that there is a conscious effort to do what is, that's all I'll ask for now. With so much deceit and corruption today, the only place we can go with an honest, noble leadership, is up.

sokelley said...


Matt Benton said...

Yeah I also voted for Obama and while I like what he's done so far I hope that the Democrats do something to address the deficit. If they don't, 2012 might not be their year.

I'm not crazy about the political system either. I would like to see it changed for the better, but I don't have any solutions. Would it be possible to request a 'Worst things about America's political system' post? I'm really interested in that kind of stuff. Maybe if we identify the problems first, solutions can come eventually.