OK, then. You go be president.
i watched the state of the union address in it's entirety tuesday night for the first time in, i guess, three years. it wasn't stirring by any means. i don't know if anything new or revolutionary came out of president bush's mouth. it was well delivered, which at times is a difficulty for our commander-in-chief. as speeches go, it was way better than the crappy "there is a better way" democratic response. holy crap, though. did the governor from virginia have creepy eyebrows, or what? i digress. i don't know why exactly i watched the speech. espn didn't offer much. the speech did preempt scrubs. i was alone in huntsville, so i gave it a whirl. 51 minutes. extended over and over again with sustained applause. it's always weird to me to see my democrats sit on their hands when bush delivers his talking points that they don't agree with. is this the image we want the world to see? that we can't put aside our political differences for 51 minutes and show the world we are united? i mean, i get it and all. i didn't want to clap for everything he said. i just wished they could send around a memo and say, "ok. no standing ovations. everyone clap when you feel led. let's hear the speech and disagree about it afterwards."
now, bush doesn't need any more apologists. he has an entire news network full of them. but, damn, am i tired of the whole bush is stupid stuff. listen, it's out in the public domain that he scored a 1206 on his sat. i've read a couple different places that this projects, roughly, to between a 125 & 129 iq. so, he's not stupid. if you are going to argue against him, please come with something stronger than, "liar, liar. pants on fire." do i agree with his policies? rarely. did i vote for the man? not in a million years. but, hell, i do trust his motives now in his second term when he's not working for re-election. at least now he's working on his legacy and the stamp he wants to leave in history books. that's gotta be more genuine than his first term, right? i hope so at least.
so, to my left-wing brethren on television hawking their own agenda rather than answering a simple, direct question. chill the fuck out. you are the one that looks stupid. and bitter. and misguided away from making the world a better place vs. getting your name in the paper. he's the president for three more years. go home. hug your wife that you've forgotten about. write your kid that you sent off to prep school a note and tell them you love them. stop working on your own re-election, and start working on making the world a better place.
oh, and democrats? please find me someone other than hillary to vote for. pretty please.
1 comment:
Easily the most insightful and reasonable political commentary I've read in I don't know how long. If politicians actually read and followed your line of thinking I might have some respect for them. Of course, then they wouldn't be politicians.
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