Tuesday, November 10, 2009

great post about my favorite columnist by one of my favorite bloggers.


Christina said...
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Christina said...

The Yankees-Red Sox rivalry transmogrified into the pulsating, tentacled mega-monster this decade, and it changed everything. It caused the sports networks to ignore any team west of the northeast corridor. It raised baseball salaries to unimaginable levels. It inspired everyone to start using steroids, and then pretend like they were stopping. It has dwarfed everything else in baseball over the last 10 years. None of us has been able to escape it. It has been the one part of baseball that resembles football. It is not humble and welcoming. It is loud and exclusionary. It is AROD AND JETER VERSUS PAPI AND MANNY TONIGHT ON FOXXXXXXX!!!!! It is exceptionalism and imperialism and everything that makes you want to throw your television across the room.

As a woman whose Red Sox fan-ness was instilled in her from her grandmother's side of the family, I have no shame in saying this, sir, is truthiness.

(Deleted previous for editing, thanks Blogger)