Friday, December 14, 2012

this isn't the day to talk about this
(part three)

there seems to be three areas of pushback at folks like me that don't agree with the idea that gun control should be one of the primary thoughts this evening.

"it's too soon. give it some time to breathe. today should be a day of mourning."

"guns don't kill people. people kill people. what? do you want to ban cars, too, since drunk driving kills many, many more people than guns?"

"jesus, come back. it's time."

to the first sentiment, i respect it. there are people of this earth that are genuinely sharing their worry and concern and prayer with those directly affected by the gunmen today. the world needs those people. i need those people. i am thankful those people exist. sometimes, i wish i was one of those people.

moving on....

to the second sentiment. if you can logically correlate an act of intentional gun violence with the unintended consequences of a drunk driver, you should own neither a gun or a car. and you scare me. people with guns kill people. people with knives kill fewer people. people with a blunt objects kill fewer people. people who drink and drive are a plague, but, again, their intent is not to kill another. their bad decision may, in fact, have dreadful consequences, but it is not the same. today gave us a coincidental comparison of two madmen. one in connecticut with a gun. one in beijing with a knife. the numbers were eerily similar. the one with knife sent children home or to the hospital injured, scarred physically and emotionally, and possibly traumatized for a long, long time. the one with the guns sent children home dead. dead, dead. children, man.

to the third. come on, man?! evil isn't more prevalent now than ever before. we just get to hear about it all. jesus is back, y'all. his idea and his ideals allegedly live within us all. wishing him to come back is a cop out. he's here. and he's likely very sad right along with the rest of us. so, what are we going to do about it?

1 comment:

Hannah Johnson said...

I'm so sad that something similar happened in Beijing but it does show the difference in what can happen if there are no/less guns. I cringe at myself as I type that because it sounds so crass and I don't mean to say that the beijing tragedy isn't horrible also, just slightly less horrific because he had a knife instead of 4 guns. Something has to change.