Sunday, December 06, 2009

excellent schadenfreude for those of us convinced that verne and gary may very well be from another planet
(or, at least aboard tim tebow's spaceship)



Jacobs said...

Ah, you gotta love that dynamic duo, Vern and Gary.

sokelley said...

wow. it's even worse when it's in a montage.

Amy said...

if it's possible there were more blunders than i remember. "that old game hop skip..." that's a classic :)

Unknown said...

'i just talk....i'm still going to get my pay check.' -gary danielson

Christina said...

My favorite was--

Ref: *motion for illegal shift, calls illegal shift*
Verne: He might've moved early.

...NO WAY!

Joseph Paul Florence said...

Also, we decided that Verne Lundquist is what happened when Charlie Weis budded off from Jabba the Hutt.

Just for your information.

Jacobs said...

Haha, Vern is like the John Madden of college football.