Monday, December 05, 2005

Sports Talk Entry Number Four (Roundtable Edition)

a little game i'll call, "if, then...bullshit"


...the top two teams end up playing at the end of the college football season without controversy,


...the BCS "worked".

bullshit:...i'll acknowledge that the championship game this year should be incredible. but, did the BCS work? ask oregon. ask miami. both in the top eight and not playing in the big bowl games when notre dame and ohio state are. hell, ask auburn. auburn made their own bed this year thanks to jon vaughn against lsu and brandon cox against ga. tech, but last year? come on. please tell me the top eight teams in college football, regardless of conference championships, pitted against each other in an end of the year playoff would not be the biggest thing in sports...all year. the college presidents from the BCS fed conferences will never let this happen, and it's a shame. a damn shame.


the braves lose raffy furcal,


...their streak of division titles will end.

bullshit:...i loved raffy, but he was damn overrated. hell of an arm, but his on-base percentage sucked. good luck in LA with j.d. drew, you bastard. also lost farnsworth. big deal. yankees overpaid for a guy that works out too much. good luck in NY with gary sheffield, you idiot. lost leo mazzone. again, overrated. roger mcdowell will be a breath of fresh air and he won't always be rocking. shit, dude, just sit still. chipper's healthy. andruw is the man. francouer for the whole year. john schuerholz will do something big at winter meetings this week. can you say, "manny"?


you are 7-5 and the atlanta falcons,

then: will still make the playoffs.

bullshit:...this is bullshit, right? right? dammit mike vick.


you don't watch arrested development tonight,

then: are missing out on something truly unique and special in the bloated blob of pooh that is the land of television.

bullshit:...not bullshit. true. i know there are a lot of choices. i know there are things to do. i know you are busy. you probably have plans to go see rent, listen to the rent soundtrack or talk about rent. you should spend thirty minutes with the bluth's tonight and consider your life a better place for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...just got back from the movies. yes, i saw rent...for the fourth time...