Thursday, January 28, 2010

maybe obama isn't the antichrist
(maybe he was just dealt a shitty hand)

i am fairly terrible at talking politics. and i am just a little less terrible when it comes to writing about it, which is why i haven't done much of that here.

one of the things i'd like to do soon, though, is write, from HACAM's perspective, down some thoughts concerning the state of "the state of the union" and see how ridiculous it sounds.

for today, though, in contrast to all the "obama is terrible", "why won't he look the camera in the eye ( retarded does that even sound?)", "he is taking away our human rights" nonsense that's been bubbling for months and is now being screamed from the rooftops after his address last night, i offer a counter-argument, one that suggests (gasp!) that he did ok with his speech.

from gawker.

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