Friday, January 22, 2010

we are getting close now...

(don't watch this yet, joe c. or stephanie!)


Joseph Paul Florence said...

I don't tend to be terribly vulgar in public, as you well know. And I also have wanted to give LOST a go for a long time now, only to fail miserably every time I tried. So I took the plunge and watched this video.

What. The. Fuck.

Unknown said...

thanks for the heads-up, kev.

kevin said...

did you check out the link and essay too, joflo?

five seasons and over a hundred hours of television can't properly be summed up in eight mintues, but, for those of us looking for a quick fix, this was a good primer.

just take the plunge. start with the season premiere and work backwards. it'll be worth your time. and time. and time.

sokelley said...

That. Was. Awesome. And Joseph, don't think that having watched every single episode would have made that 8:15 easy to follow. Your sentiments are what I leave with at the end of every episode.

"Mr. Friendly throws like a girl." That made me laugh.