Friday, May 13, 2011

happy index
(part ten)

last night, the kohi closed at:


the ugly:


the bad:

i am nothing if not a slave to most of my routines, and one of my routines is arriving at the store around 6:30 on the mornings i open. i love the head start i get on the day, close to two full hours of peace and productivity before my opening cashier arrives. with sarah being away and my being responsible for delivering the girls to school, i got to the store around 7:20. the first half of the day felt rushed as a result.

blogger being in read-only mode all night.

day one of being a single-dad.

the good:

the girls were just short of excellent this afternoon and evening. very little complaining while i worked out. a fun and easy trip to chick-fil-a for dinner. great in the bath. no tears at bedtime. massive improvement over last night.

just one more day of work before the weekend off with the girls. saturday and sunday are going to be chock-full of ... stuff, but i do like looking forward to two days away from what has felt like "the grind" for a few weeks.

braves walk-off on the same day as good news came back from heyward's mri.

twitter during a big time sporting event.

day one in the books.

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